Time For Kids!

John "Shooter" Albright Filed Under: Labels: ,
Assignment: None

I thought it might be a good time to
update the kiddos. This was taken at the San Antonio Zoo. Summer time slows down for me so I try and spend as much time with the kids as i can, come September i am back to the grind (I hope). My son in this photo is 6 and will be a first grader at Bulverde Creek this coming fall. He has a life-long disability but the UPs out weigh the DOWNs buy a million times if you know what i mean. i work my tail off for him. He may never say "thank you" but well you know...

My Daughter in this photo is 4 years old, and has a heart of gold but a mouth like a sailor!! Gonna have to fix that before public schooling kicks in with her.

Shot with my D3 with the 70-200mm vr lens attached. I’m at 140mm, ISO is set to 250, Aperture is at 2.8 to frame the kids against the shrubs in the back, I ran a -.7 exposure comp to get some nice dark colors for an early morning photo.

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