Who needs a Drink

John "Shooter" Albright Filed Under: Labels: ,
Assignment: Emily Morgan Hotel

Sometimes i get calls from people wanting me to shoot some strange things. Today i was contracted to shoot a drink. That's right a Drink. Just a Drink. And i got paid to do so. I guess some people would argue that still-life is very hard to pull off. i say with a little lighting everything is easy.

The Drink was dark in a frosted mug, i shot this adult beverage fro several angles and several places in the Emily Morgan Hotel bar. hmmmmmmm that's all you want me to do?

i shot this one from around the table section on top of a divider.

D3 this time, no flash. 50mm lens at well 50mm. aperture was at 2.8 but should have been at 1.8 my mistake. Shutter was pulled down to 1/30 (now you see why I should have been at 1.8). ISO was at 800 but with the D3 who cares right.

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